
Robert Echevarria 

Pronouns: He/Him/His 


 I’m a Freshman who is actively involved; speaking at MSA, attending BSA and Chabad events, and sporting events that support BC’s teams, recommending resources (like BLMI) to students, volunteering at USG events, hosting Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at Tanger Hillel, and bringing Doctors to speak at The Innovations in Medicine Club.

     I've worked with H.S. Administrators as an important part of the “Post-covid” student health and classroom preparedness, I’m on the CUCDR Committee and work with the VP of Enrollment Management providing opportunities to prospective students. I’ve been to every faculty and policy council meeting and as a H.S. Senior, I attended my very first policy council meeting. I was also invited by BC's delegates to a USS meeting and learned a lot from them.

I’m interested in joining the Senate to advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves.

 I'd like to: 

• Create an online 24-hour Suggestion Box.

• Have USG collaborate with CAAS, FCY, and West Quad Center offices to share important information and Check-ins with students.

I’ll also establish a “Committee on Campus Culture” and host Town Halls where students can interact more with USG. 

Contact Information
